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Customer Survey

Here at Old Oak, we value community, culture, and excellent customer service. An important piece of building that experience is hearing from you, our Old Oak Fam.

Please take a few minutes to answer these questions about our products and service so we can continue to improve your Old Oak interactions every time you come in. Thank you for all you do to continue helping us improve and grow!

Which of our existing cigar brands do you enjoy seeing on our shelves?(Required)
Select all that apply.
Which of our existing cigar brands do you not care for at all?(Required)
Select all that apply.

Within the last 6 months, has your cigar budget increased or decreased?(Required)

Within the last 6 months, how many times have you visited our shop?(Required)

Within the next 6 months, do you anticipate spending less, more, or the same amount of your time/money in our shop?(Required)
Do you feel like the current state of our economy affects your budget for cigars?(Required)
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree